

Yale University coat of arms - "Light and Truth"Yale University – Rankings and Review

The Basics

Location New Haven, Connecticut
Official Website Yale
Nickname Bulldogs
School Colors Yale Blue
Athletic Conference Ivy League

RealRank Ranking Categories

Reputation Platinum
Renown Gold
Diversity Success Bronze
Sports Renown NI
Tuition Profile High Cost
Endowment Platinum
Alumni Engagement Silver

Key: Platinum: Elite Class; Gold: Very good; Silver: Successful, with room to improve;

Bronze: Mid to low range; NI: Needs improvement.

Academic Profile

Academic Range Well-Rounded
Professional Schools:
Architecture Yes
Business No
Dental No
Engineering Yes
Law Yes
Medical Yes
Nursing Yes
Veterinary Medicine No
Core Science Breadth Yes
Arts, Social Sciences & Humanities Breadth Yes
Agriculture No
Human Sciences / Education No
Public Health / Urban Policy Yes

Renowned Alumni

Here are some of the most famous alumni of Yale. Since the university has existed from the 1700s, there are a lot of them, so this list by now means is complete. Are there any others you would want to include?

Samuel Alito – Justice of U.S. Supreme Court.

William Boeing – Founder of Boeing Aircraft and United Airlines.

Corey Booker – U.S. Senator from New Jersey, and Mayor of Newark, New Jersey.

George H. W. Bush – 41st President of the United States, father of George W. Bush and Vice-President serving under Ronald Reagan.

George W. Bush – 43rd President of the United States.

Hillary Clinton – Former U.S. Secretary of State, and First Lady of the United States.

Chris Cuomo – CNN news host and commentator.

Jiang Yi-huah – Prime Minister of Taiwan (“Republic of China”).

John C. Calhoun – Vice-President of  the United States in 1800s.

Karl Carstens – President of Germany.

William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton – 42nd President of the United States, and Governor of Arkansas.

Anderson Cooper – CNN political analyst and commentator.

Gerald Ford – 38th President of the United States.

Jodie Foster – Actress and film Director.

Sarah Hughes – Figure Skater.

Brett Kavanaugh – Justice of U.S. Supreme Court.

Elia Kazan – Theater and film director.

John Kerry – Former U.S. Secretary of State.

Paul Krugman – Political commentator and Nobel Prize winning economist.

Sinclair Lewis – Author.

Henry Luce – Journalist and founder of Time Magazine.

Frances McDormand – Actress.

Paul Newman – Actor.

Cole Porter – Songwriter.

Eero Saarinen – Architect.

Ben Silbermann – Co-Founder of Pinterest.

Sonia Sotomayor – Justice of U.S. Supreme Court.

Meryl Streep – Actress.

Oliver Stone – Film director.

William Howard Taft – Chief Justice of U.S. Supreme Court and also President of the United States.

Clarence Thomas – Justice of U.S. Supreme Court.

Juan Tripp – Founder of Pan American Airlines.

Gary Trudeau – Cartoonist and creator of Doonsbury.

Noah Webster – Dictionary pioneer.

Eli Whitney – Inventor of the cotton gin.

Thornton Wilder – Playwright and novelist.

Janet Yellen – Chair of the Federal Reserve.

Fareed Zakaria – CNN commentator and columnist for Washington Post.

Ernesto Zedillo – President of Mexico.


Any others you would add? What has been your experience with Yale?

Yale Rankings

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