Best Colleges For Animal Science Majors

Top colleges for animal sciences illustration of calf in field.

Animal Science in the broadest sense is the study of agricultural animal behavior and related technologies. The program as taught at the best colleges in the field should familiarize students with both the basic concepts of animal behavior and biology, as well as provide the analytical skills to apply the latest best techniques and technologies and environmentally sound animal care and production.

30 Best Colleges for Animal Science

This is our RealRanktm ranking of the best colleges for Animal Science and animal husbandry majors.

1University of FloridaGainesvilleFL
2Texas A&M UniversityCollege StationTX
3Cornell UniversityIthacaNY
4Purdue UniversityWest LafayetteIN
5Iowa State UniversityAmesIA
6University of GeorgiaAthensGA
7University of IllinoisChampaignIL
8Michigan State UniversityEast LansingMI
9University of California - DavisDavisCA
10The Ohio State UniversityColumbusOH
11North Carolina State UniversityRaleighNC
12University of MinnesotaTwin CitiesMN
13University of ArkansasFayettevilleAR
14Kansas State UniversityManhattanKS
15Texas Tech UniversityLubbockTX
16University of MarylandCollege ParkMD
17University of NebraskaLincolnNB
18Washington State UniversityPullmanWA
19Auburn UniversityAuburnAL
20Penn StateUniversity ParkPA
21Clemson UniversityClemsonSC
22Virginia Polytechnic University (Virginia Tech)BlacksburgVA
23Louisiana State University Baton RougeLA
24University of TennesseeKnoxvilleTN
25California State University - ChicoChico CA
26University Of WisconsinMadisonWI
27Colorado State UniversityFt. CollinsCO
28University of ArizonaTusconAZ
29North Dakota State UniversityFargoND
30Oregon State UniversityCorvallisOR

More information on our RealRankTM analytics used in creating this ranking can be found on the About page.

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What is an Animal Science Major?

Typically the animal sciences program and most universities is a Department in the college of agriculture and life sciences. These major programs can cover a wide range of subjects related to animal agriculture, such as:

  • Business aspects of raising and breeding of agricultural animals such as chickens, cattle, swine, goats, sheep, and exotics, such as ostrich, buffalo and emu, including:
      • Management
      • Finance
      • Accounting
  • political, environmental and regulatory matters involving animal industries
  • biotechnology
  • organic chemistry
  • animal management and breeding breeding
  • developing disease resistant breeds
  • genetics
  • physiology
  • nutrition
  • dairy science
  • equine science
  • physiology of reproduction.

Animal Science Careers

A major in Animal Sciences opens career paths on one of the broadest industries around the world. This includes not only livestock, but also anything that may relate to animal care from zoo management to environmental planning to park services. Among the careers paths available are:

  • Agricultural scientist
  • Environmental scientist
  • livestock, poultry and dairy management and finance
  • farm animal nutrition
  • farm animal breeding
  • dairy management and production
  • laboratory animal care
  • veterinarian (with advanced Veterinary School degree)
  • race horse breeding and training
  • race track management
  • zoo management
  • wildlife control
  • park management.
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