This is the 2022 Ranking of the best colleges in the United States.
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We use the revolutionary RealRankTM methodology, the “platinum” standard for college ranking analytics. Are you wondering what that means? It means that we compiled zillions of data points (well, a lot) to create algorithms providing this top colleges ranking with real-world value for students, parents and alumni.
“This proprietary methodology is based on a unique set that has managed to shed light on the factors most important to grading colleges for real-world education, and real-world value.”
We expect the top colleges to imbue their students with the ability to live a fulfilled life and thrive in an increasingly diverse workplace and society. The traditional college rankings seem to vary randomly year-to-year and we have sought to provide something more meaningful. It is this philosophy that has guided the creation of this ranking, and has placed the Brook Report rankings on the path to becoming the most authoritative college ranking analytic service.
Ranking of the Best Colleges in 2022
We have analyzed over 300 colleges and created this RealRank ranking of the top 150. We will publish the remainder of the list in our next issue.
Rank | College | City | State | Score |
1 | Stanford University | Palo Alto | CA | 98.6 |
2 | University of Chicago | Chicago | IL | 97.2 |
3 | Princeton University | Princeton | NJ | 95.9 |
4 | University of Texas | Austin | TX | 95.6 |
5 | Columbia University | New York | NY | 91.6 |
6 | Harvard University | Cambridge | MA | 91.4 |
7 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Cambridge | MA | 91.0 |
8 | University of Florida | Gainesville | FL | 90.5 |
9 | Cornell University | Ithaca | NY | 90.4 |
10 | University of Pennsylvania | Philadelphia | PA | 88.4 |
11 | Texas A&M University | College Station | TX | 88.0 |
12 | Georgia Institute of Technology | Atlanta | GA | 87.9 |
13 | The Ohio State University | Columbus | OH | 87.8 |
14 | Penn State | University Park | PA | 87.7 |
15 | Yale University | New Haven | CT | 86.9 |
16 | University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign | Champaign | IL | 86.6 |
17 | University Of Wisconsin - Madison | Madison | WI | 86.2 |
18 | University of Washington | Seattle | WA | 85.5 |
19 | Northwestern University | Evanston | IL | 85.4 |
20 | Duke University | Durham | NC | 84.6 |
21 | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor | MI | 84.5 |
22 | Purdue University | West Lafayette | IN | 82.3 |
23 | University of California - Los Angeles | Los Angeles | CA | 82.1 |
24 | Annapolis - Naval Academy | Annapolis | MD | 80.2 |
25 | West Point - Army Academy | West Point | NY | 79.9 |
26 | University of California - Berkeley | Berkeley | CA | 79.1 |
27 | California Institute of Technology | Pasadena | CA | 78.2 |
28 | University of Arizona | Tuscon | AZ | 78.1 |
29 | University of Minnesota | Twin Cities | MN | 77.4 |
30 | Air Force Academy | Colorado Springs | CO | 76.4 |
31 | University of Maryland | College Park | MD | 76.2 |
32 | Michigan State University | East Lansing | MI | 75.8 |
33 | Carnegie Mellon University | Pittsburgh | PA | 75.7 |
34 | New York University | New York | NY | 74.7 |
35 | Arizona State University | Tempe | AZ | 72.1 |
36 | University of California - Davis | Davis | CA | 72.0 |
37 | Vanderbilt University | Nashville | TN | 71.6 |
38 | North Carolina State University | Raleigh | NC | 71.5 |
39 | University of Southern California | Los Angeles | CA | 70.9 |
40 | University of Virginia | Charlottesville | VA | 70.2 |
41 | Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore | MD | 68.9 |
42 | Rice University | Houston | TX | 68.9 |
43 | University of Tennessee | Knoxville | TN | 67.4 |
44 | University of Georgia | Athens | GA | 67.0 |
45 | University of Notre Dame | South Bend | IN | 63.5 |
46 | Wake Forest University | Winston-Salem | NC | 62.6 |
47 | University of Alabama | Tuscaloosa | AL | 62.4 |
48 | Florida State University | Tallahassee | FL | 62.4 |
49 | University of California - San Diego | San Diego | CA | 62.4 |
50 | Iowa State University | Ames | IA | 60.9 |
51 | University of Colorado - Boulder | Boulder | CO | 60.1 |
52 | Virginia Polytechnic University (Virginia Tech) | Blacksburg | VA | 57.9 |
53 | Brown University | Providence | RI | 57.8 |
54 | Indiana University | Bloomington | IN | 57.8 |
55 | Rutgers University | Piscataway | NJ | 57.7 |
56 | Boston University | Boston | MA | 57.1 |
57 | Dartmouth College | Hanover | NH | 56.9 |
58 | Emory University | Atlanta | GA | 56.9 |
59 | University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill | Chapel Hill | NC | 56.8 |
60 | University of Utah | Salt Lake City | UT | 56.7 |
61 | Clemson University | Clemson | SC | 55.0 |
62 | University of Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh | PA | 52.0 |
63 | University of Nebraska | Lincoln | NB | 50.5 |
64 | Louisiana State University (LSU) | Baton Rouge | LA | 49.6 |
65 | University of Kansas | Lawrence | KS | 49.0 |
66 | Washington State University | Pullman | WA | 48.9 |
67 | Washington University in St. Louis | St. Louis | MO | 48.9 |
68 | University of Rochester | Rochester | NY | 48.8 |
69 | University of California - Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara | CA | 48.8 |
70 | Mississippi State University | Starkville | MS | 48.5 |
71 | University of California - Irvine | Irvine | CA | 47.5 |
72 | Colorado State University | Ft. Collins | CO | 47.2 |
73 | University of Massachusetts - Amherst | Amherst | MA | 46.8 |
74 | University of South Carolina | Columbia | SC | 46.5 |
75 | University of Iowa | Iowa City | IA | 45.7 |
76 | University of Central Florida | Orlando | FL | 45.1 |
77 | Auburn University | Auburn | AL | 45.0 |
78 | University of Kentucky | Lexington | KY | 44.8 |
79 | Georgetown University | Washington | DC | 44.6 |
80 | University of Oklahoma | Norman | OK | 44.1 |
81 | Colorado School of Mines | Golden | CO | 42.0 |
82 | Southern Methodist University | Dallas | TX | 41.8 |
83 | University of Nevada - Las Vegas (UNLV) | Las Vegas | NV | 41.7 |
84 | Oregon State University | Corvallis | OR | 41.4 |
85 | Oklahoma State University | Stillwater | OK | 41.1 |
86 | Texas Tech University | Lubbock | TX | 40.9 |
87 | University of Cincinnati | Cincinnati | OH | 40.9 |
88 | University of Delaware | Newark | DE | 40.0 |
89 | University of Arkansas | Fayetteville | AR | 40.0 |
90 | Kansas State University | Manhattan | KS | 38.1 |
91 | University of Oregon | Eugene | OR | 37.5 |
92 | The Julliard School | New York | NY | 36.9 |
93 | University of Miami | Coral Gables | FL | 36.6 |
94 | University of Connecticut | Storrs | CT | 36.4 |
95 | Brigham Young University | Salt Lake City | UT | 35.6 |
96 | University of New Mexico | Albuquerque | NM | 35.6 |
97 | University of South Florida | Tampa | FL | 35.4 |
98 | Tufts University | Medford | MA | 35.2 |
99 | Liberty University | Lynchburg | VA | 35.1 |
100 | University of Houston | Houston | TX | 34.8 |
101 | Boston College | Chestnut Hill | MA | 34.5 |
102 | University of Texas at Dallas | Dallas | TX | 34.2 |
103 | University of Hawaii - Manoa | Honolulu | HI | 33.1 |
104 | University at Buffalo - SUNY | Buffalo | NY | 33.0 |
105 | University of Mississippi | Oxford | MS | 33.0 |
106 | College of William and Mary | Williamsburg | VA | 32.9 |
107 | University of Illinois - Chicago | Chicago | IL | 32.0 |
108 | Northeastern University | Boston | MA | 31.5 |
109 | University of Nevada - Reno | Reno | NV | 30.6 |
110 | West Virginia University | Morgantown | WV | 30.6 |
111 | Stony Brook University - SUNY | Stony Brook | NY | 30.4 |
112 | University of Wyoming | Laramie | WY | 30.0 |
113 | George Washington University | Washington | DC | 29.9 |
114 | Lehigh University | Bethlehem | PA | 29.3 |
115 | University of Missouri - Columbia | Columbia | MO | 28.5 |
116 | University of Montana | Missoula | MT | 28.4 |
117 | Georgia State University | Atlanta | GA | 27.9 |
118 | Utah State University | Logan | UT | 27.6 |
119 | Florida International University | Miami | FL | 27.5 |
120 | Tulane University | New Orleans | LA | 27.3 |
121 | Rensselear Polytechnic Institute | Troy | NY | 26.7 |
122 | Northern Arizona University | Flagstaff | AZ | 26.4 |
123 | Syracuse University | Syracuse | NY | 26.1 |
124 | University of Idaho | Moscow | ID | 25.9 |
125 | Case Western Reserve University | Cleveland | OH | 25.6 |
126 | University of Louisville | Louisville | KY | 25.1 |
127 | Brandeis University | Waltham | MA | 24.9 |
128 | State University of New York at Albany | Albany | NY | 24.8 |
129 | University of North Texas | Denton | TX | 24.6 |
130 | Carleton College | Northfield | MN | 24.5 |
131 | Kent State University | Kent | OH | 24.0 |
132 | Baylor University | Waco | TX | 24.0 |
133 | University of Alaska at Fairbanks | Fairbanks | AK | 23.1 |
134 | Virginia Commonwealth University | Richmond | VA | 22.8 |
135 | North Dakota State University | Fargo | ND | 22.5 |
136 | Hillsdale College | Hillsdale | MI | 22.4 |
137 | University of California - Riverside | Riverside | CA | 21.6 |
138 | Wayne State University | Detroit | MI | 21.3 |
139 | University of California - Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz | CA | 21.2 |
140 | New Mexico State University | Las Cruces | NM | 21.1 |
141 | Northern Illinois University | DeKalb | IL | 20.7 |
142 | Southern Illinois University | Carbondale | IL | 20.7 |
143 | Texas Christian University | Fort Worth | TX | 20.5 |
144 | University of Texas at Arlington | Arlington | TX | 19.8 |
145 | University of California - Merced | Merced | CA | 19.7 |
146 | University of Tennessee-Chattanooga | Chattanooga | TN | 19.4 |
147 | University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee | Milwaukee | WI | 19.0 |
148 | George Mason University | Fairfax | VA | 18.8 |
149 | Ohio University | Athens | OH | 18.9 |
150 | Bowdoin College | Brunswick | ME | 18.8 |
What is the RealRank Methodology?
So you’ve heard we use the RealRank methodology to compile these rankings of the best colleges. Now let’s take a look under the hood.
While other college rankings emphasize surveys of professors, or artificially inflated admission selectivity percentages, Brook Report analyzes real-world statistically valid factors to determine the real educational and resume value proposition in arriving at the top rankings. We apply this methodology across all the rankings you will find here on our public website. We have analyzed over 300 universities in developing the ranking of the top universities. The factors we consider in our methodology include:
- Educational Value – this means an emphasis on quality education in a student’s field, with a faculty that may or may not publish research papers, but most importantly also views student success as paramount.
- Real-World Renown – this is a resume value factor. We expect the top colleges to convey a public image that enhances their alumni community’s place in society. Universities are expensive and we expect the top ones to put their alumni on a path to real success, not just while at the school, but after graduation.
- Real World Diversity – we expect the top colleges to expose to young people to all the different backgrounds that make up a modern diverse society – racial diversity, gender and gender preference/orientation diversity, socioeconomic diversity and subject matter interest diversity. It is this diverse quilt that makes up the modern workplace, and we expect the top colleges to provide both the environment and the value system to enable young people to live effectively, and happily in the modern world. This also means that colleges with a less diverse profile may fare lower in our rankings than in some traditional rankings.
- Traditional Reputational Perceptions – Although we doubt the accuracy of college ranking analytics based on traditional survey-based methodologies, or methodologies that overvalue inaccurate data, such as inflated admission selectivity criteria, the fact of the matter is that those rankings are widely read, and believed. We cannot ignore the fact that there are traditional reputations attached to various universities, even if our data suggests inaccuracies. Although these societal reputational values will change over time, they have an impact on the real-world resume value and should therefore also be considered in a real-world ranking service such as ours.
Each of these broad categories of factors may include numerous subcategories considered in analyzing and developing these rankings.
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(Photo Credit: Wally Gobetz, “Columbia University – Alma Mater and Low Memorial Library.”)
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